
New Research on Methylene Malonate Photopolymerization Presented at RadTech 2020 Conference
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Sirrus Research Chemist Taylor Goodrich recently presented new research on the photopolymerization of our patented methylene malonates at RadTech’s 2020 UV+EB Technology Conference. The presentation…

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New COVID-19 Safety Guidelines at Sirrus
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At Sirrus, we’re committed to our employees’ health and safety in light of the COVID-19 outbreak and are taking the following precautionary measures. These guidelines…

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Bio Based Feedback
Sustainability at Sirrus Part 1: Bio-Based Feedstocks
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We’re kicking off a new video series on sustainability at Sirrus. In part one, our CEO Jeff Uhrig reveals how we can utilize bio-based feedstocks…

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Sirrus World Congress Slide
BIO World Congress 2019 Presentation
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In this newly released presentation, you’ll learn how methylene malonates promise sustainability advantages over incumbent bio-based polymer technologies. The presentation was delivered by our CEO,…

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Congratulations to Mengfei Huang on Her ECS Pflaumer Honors for Innovation Award
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We’re excited to announce that Mengfei Huang—a doctoral candidate at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst—was awarded a Pflaumer Honors for Innovation award at the Eastern…

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A New Route to UV-Curable, Water-Based Coatings
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Click to enlarge Water-based polymer coatings that cure under ultraviolet (UV) light are being developed as an environmentally friendly alternative to existing coating technologies. Our…

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Research Initiative to Validate Methylene Malonates for Next-Generation Seed Coatings
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Polymer-based seed coatings can enhance seed performance, including improving the delivery of protectants, micronutrients, growth regulators and more.

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Sirrus Hires New Director of Polymer Synthesis
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We’re pleased to welcome Alexander Polykarpov, PhD, as our new Director of Polymer Synthesis. Dr. Polykarpov will be responsible for our polymer synthesis efforts—leading the development of hybrid, crosslinked…

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Introducing The Sirrus Technical Blog
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With more than 30 patents in our portfolio and new ones coming nearly every month, we have a lot to tell you. That’s where our new technical blog comes in. As part of our website relaunch, we’ve committed to posting updates about our…

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Working With BASF On Automotive Coatings
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Here at Sirrus, we believe that methylene malonate-derived crosslinkers will transform the automotive coatings industry. By polymerizing rapidly at ambient temperatures…

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