
New COVID-19 Safety Guidelines at Sirrus

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At Sirrus, we’re committed to our employees’ health and safety in light of the COVID-19 outbreak and are taking the following precautionary measures. These guidelines apply to our employees, delivery and support personnel, contractors and visitors.

Employee Health

We’ve instructed employees to stay home and notify their supervisors if they experience any respiratory symptoms, including coughing, sneezing and shortness of breath, as well as temperatures above 100.4°F. They will not be allowed to return to work until they’re free of symptoms for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing or symptom-altering medications. Upon returning to work, employees must provide a physician-approved release. We will also have thermometers onsite as needed.

For more information on the steps you can take right now to protect yourself, please read the CDC’s guidelines on infection prevention.

Temporary Suspension of Travel

We’ve suspended all business travel until further notice and are not permitting any non-essential visitors. We’re keeping interactions with contractors and operational and logistics vendors to a minimum, with contact no closer than three feet. We’re also limiting new-vendor introductions.

Social Distancing Precautions

In-line with the CDC’s guidelines, we encourage our employees to exhibit extreme caution around large social gatherings. We’ve also taken the following precautions regarding meetings, food and packages:

  • Meetings that are typically face-to-face should use telephone and online conferencing. This extends to in-house departmental meetings.
  • We’ve suspended all buffet-style food services and allow only individually wrapped portions. Employees bringing meals to work must seal their food in containers.
  • Personnel that ship and receive packages must wear gloves and are instructed to sanitize their hands immediately after making contact with cargo.

Our first priority has always been the health and safety of our employees, customers and communities that surround us. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide additional guidance as more information regarding the outbreak becomes available.